Robin E. Shaw

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Inner Alignment

I was asked to lead a yoga/movement warm up for a wonderful weekly dance event (check out I-Opener Dance!). The theme of “Alignment” was proposed. Of course, the word, alignment is such a buzzword for yoga, with so much focus on the shape of each pose, or asana. I love understanding the shape of a pose. I love instructing “ideal” alignment. I love anatomy and the way the body works. Of course, we all have different bodies, different abilities, different interpretations.


So, what I love, perhaps best about the practice of the yoga asanas is the way that each pose feels and aligns within. It is said in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali that an ideal pose is one which contains the perfect balance of effort and ease (Sthira and Sukham). Of structure and freedom. Of steadiness and comfort. To me, this comes as an inner “YES”. A way that the body tells the self that it is in the right place. And, the invitation is there to keep on following those “yesses”.


I invite you to find that feeling, that alignment, and that dialogue. And, keep going with it! Your light is bound to shine more brightly because of it! If you desire support touching in to that experience, please do be in touch. It would be a joy to explore with you!