Robin E. Shaw

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Out of the Box Club

Stepping out of the box. Tender moments. Emotions running high. Anxiety rising as spring arrives. Are you feeling it?

Today, I noticed my habituated Covid era movements. In order to get through this challenging time, I have found a routine that has worked for me. It’s been the right concoction of stress and anxiety management, cultivating small joys, and staying super vigilant about my health and the health of those around me. It’s felt safe. It’s felt right. It’s felt pretty small. It’s almost what I imagine it might have been like to live in a wartime era.

So, today, on that first day when the breeze felt a little warm on my face, I had to run an unexpected errand to Harvard Square (Covid related). I was cranky about it. I had to get in my car (gasp!). And, go to a nearby place I hadn’t been in over a year! Suddenly, my anxiety started rising; my time felt crunched- even though I had an hour before my day officially started.

It was early, and Harvard Square was just waking up. I tried to remember how to parallel park and put quarters in the meter. Being in a familiar place that I hadn’t visited in a year was wild. It felt strange. Almost eerie. Dangerous. I got my errand done in a jiffy, and there I was with 20 minutes left on my meter. My Covid brain told me to jump back in the car, and head home where it is safe and known. But, I got myself to take an actual stroll. To wander the empty streets, along with the construction workers who were also starting their day. I wandered by my favorite store windows, some of them papered up now. I rounded the block, and pushed myself. Yes, I actually had to push myself to walk to the river and take a moment to take it in. Tears welled up in my eyes. Because I hadn’t done anything so “frivolous” in a long time. There was no “purpose” to this walk. What a stretch it was for me to just be there, taking in the morning, and the feelings, the season- still bare, but with promise of new life arriving. My body not quite knowing what to do in this moment. I took a deep breath and wriggled a little, and said hello to the geese.

I’m not yet feeling my fully free being here on the planet, but I am just now reminding myself that something else is possible. As I walked back to my car, I got the idea to take solo visits to a “new” local place every week this spring. To see new sights, and push myself to be with the unfamiliar. Gently, simply, and maybe soon more boldly, with more curiosity, playfulness and pleasure. It’s happening, fellow humans!

Maybe I’ll create an “Out of the Box” Club. Would you join me in doing the unfamiliar now that spring is arriving, and Covid is starting to lighten up a bit? What would be your out of the box practice? I’d love to hear! Let’s gather our small yet significant moves together, to bolster one another as we shift into what comes next.

I hope to really check in with myself. To craft this next season with awareness and commitment to not just going back to the way it was. To feel into this breakthrough moment. And honor it. Join me!

I am here for counsel and coaching. For flowing into wisdom.

All the love,
