Robin E. Shaw

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Visioning To Light Your Path

I’ve heard it said that vision is like fuel for your life. When you create a compelling vision, you generate energy, excitement, and direction.

Visioning is a way for you to live into your future. A gift from yourself to yourself. A sketch and guide, that will move you forward with generative purpose. Creating a picture of what you want helps you start to live into your vision as if it were already happening!

How to shine a light on your path with visioning:

1. Look to your past and present to design your future…Begin with examining your current life as well as your past with blameless discernment. What do you love about your life, and what don’t you love? What makes you feel lit up, happy, full of joy? What does not feel in alignment? What is excess, feels numb, stuck or unexplored? What do you want to forgive yourself for? What else?

~Journal with these prompts, draw, dance, or take a good look in a mirror, and give yourself a real talking-to~

2. What are your values? Make a long list, taking note of any values that come to you over a few days of reflecting on this (if you need support on this, reach out, and we can brainstorm!). Then, consider the three most important values you’d like to live into this coming year. Keep it to three, and use them as your guideposts in making choices as you move through the coming year. If you want bigger changes for yourself this year, choose values that are newer awarenesses, not your “tried and true”.

~Jot them down on a post-it note, and put them somewhere you’ll see them often (your fridge, or a mirror)~

3. Create three life visions for yourself:

a. If you kept doing what you’re currently doing, what would life look like 5 years from now?

b. What are your wildest dreams? Five years from now, if money were no object, and even reality had no bearing, where would you be? What would you be doing?

c. Envision the last chapter of your life…what do you see? Where do you see yourself? Who would you be with? What are your greatest joys, and biggest high and low lights you’ve lived?

4. Now go ahead, and Write your Vision Statement! Have fun with this, creating a sentence for you to return to as a personal mantra this coming year. Include who you want to be, what values you want to live by, and the clear-headed action you take for this all to come into being.

~Keep this statement where you can see it and refer to it often…you can always revise as desired!~

5. Remember Pleasure! Enjoy this process, and keep pleasure in the front of your life experience- just my two cents 

It is easy to skip the process of visioning, but it is worth the time and effort (and enjoyment!). You’ll find you have more direction and focus. You’ll know what to say “yes” to, as you’ll have a blueprint to follow! Wishing you all the best for the year to come. With much love and light, ~Robin

Robin Shaw is a life coach, yoga teacher and massage therapist. She brings a somatic approach to her coaching and is passionate about the way that the body and brain support one another in deep transformational growth towards a fuller, happier, more balanced life. You can visit her website, www.flowingintowisdom for more information.